Thanksgiving day

This time your oral exam is related to a cultural event in the USA, Thanksgiving day. 
As a guideline you can use these questions to look for some information.

• Why did the first Thanksgiving happen?
• What did the people do at the first Thanksgiving?
• When does Thanksgiving usually happen?
• How do people celebrate Thanksgiving?
• What do people usually eat at Thanksgiving?
• Why is one turkey lucky every year?

Here you are some websites:

A short text to read

This video is a little bit more complex, but you can use English subtitles

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Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
· Licenciada en Filología Inglesa. · Diplomada en Magisterio de Lengua extranjera (Inglés) · Título Superior de Inglés y Medio de Alemán de la EOI.

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