Christmas time

In some days, we are on Christmas holidays. Have you ever thought how to say "arbol de navidad" in English? In here, you have a really funny game to learn new vocabulary related to Christmas.
You know a lot about Nativity scenes and Christ born, but what about other traditions? How much do you know about Santa, about Northpole, about the elves?

Now get ready!

You are going to be a reporter. I hope you are the best one!!

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The main objetive of this blog is to provide my students with a widening range of activities to improve their English performance.


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Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
· Licenciada en Filología Inglesa. · Diplomada en Magisterio de Lengua extranjera (Inglés) · Título Superior de Inglés y Medio de Alemán de la EOI.

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